Friday, September 30, 2011

12 months!

Wow....12 months old!! I cannot believe Carson is a year old already! I also cannot believe how much joy this little man has brought into our lives! It's hard for Nick and I to imagine our lives without our little guy.

A year ago, we were in a hospital, snuggling with our precious baby boy.

Now, we are chasing after our little walker, and hoping we get at least one snuggle in a day. :)

Carson is doing so many exciting things right now. He is:

-Walking all over the place! He also just started standing up on his own.

-Plays peek-a-boo with his hands, or by turning his head away and looking back at us again, or by hiding behind the couch and then popping out on the side with a big grin. :)

-He does "Soooo big" by himself. He tries to say "Soooo" with his arms in the air, and then brings his arms down on "big."

-Loves to "help" fold the laundry. :)

-Tries to say "banana," "cup," "dada," "so big," "all done," and other words that I can't think of right now. He babbles constantly, and loves to make other sounds like whistle, smack his lips, and roll his tongue like a Spaniard. :)

-He consistently signs, "more" and "all done" and is working on "please" and "drink."

-Loves swimming lessons, but is not so sure what to think about baby lapsit at the library. :)

-Shakes his head, "no thank you."

-Loves music and books.

-Is able to get several objects when we ask him to get them. (His receptive language impresses me each day!). It's amazing what he understands. :)

-He finished nursing on his 1st birthday, and now only drinks from a cup with a straw or a spout.

-Loves pretty much everything we feed him, except broccoli. :)

-Loves being outside.

Happy belated birthday Carson!! You are such a miracle, and we are so thankful for you!! We do not take for granted that God entrusted Carson to us. We are really trying to enjoy each stage he is at, because we know this season of life will not last forever, and one day, he will be in school, and then possibly off to college, and then hopefully one day married. So for now, we will just enjoy this stage of life. Happy belated birthday Carson!! :)

Monday, September 12, 2011


We have a walker folks!! :)

Carson took 24 steps on his own tonight! For the past couple of weeks, Carson has been taking a few steps on his own, but tonight, Nick and I watched Carson walk away from us to go exploring, and he took 24 steps. :)

Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of him walking, but I will try to have the camera ready next time. :)

Man....we just love our little guy so much and can't believe he is almost 1 in a few days. :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Day in the Park

This past weekend, Nick and I took Carson to our favorite park in town called Weed Park.

Carson's first time on the swings...he absolutely loved it!:)

Carson in mid-swing...he giggled pretty much the whole time. :)

Walking like a big boy in the grass...not so sure what to think about the grass. :)

Family photo in the park. :)

If Carson could talk, he'd tell us to come back to the park next week. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

11 Months!

Happy 11 months Carson!!

Carson is changing so much everyday. It's been so much fun to experience life through his eyes.

What Carson has been up to lately:
- crawls on his hands and knees.
- pulls up to a standing on just about anything, including mommy and daddy.
- walks/cruises along furniture.
- can stand on his own for a few seconds.
- can take a step toward me and Nick, and then falls on us.
- plays peek-a-boo.
- waves bye bye.
- babbles a lot. :)
- turns pages in books while we read to him. :)
- dances to music and when mommy and daddy sing.
- no longer eats baby food...just chopped up food.

Happy 11 months Carson!! We love you more and more everyday...we can't believe how fast you are growing up.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

10 Months!

Happy 10 months Carson! I just can't believe how fast the time is going and what a big boy Carson is becoming.

This past month, Carson:
-eats pretty much all "big boy" food, just mashed up or cut into small pieces. The only food he doesn't really care for at this point is broccoli, so we will have to keep working on that one. :)
-pulls up to a standing position faster than the speed of light. :)
-walks/cruises from side to side while holding on to furniture.
-still does a very quick army crawl (more like the butterfly stroke in swimming), but does crawl on his hands and knees at times.
-signs "more" consistently.
-can stand on his own for a few seconds at a time.
-has 3 teeth...we call him our little hillbilly because he has only one tooth on the top. :)

Happy 10 months are such a blessing to us, and we are so thankful for you!! :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Carson attended his first parade on the 4th!

He did really well, but did not enjoy the loud noises of the marching band or car horns honking. Carson and I mostly hung out in the shade, while daddy fought for some candy. :) Let's just say Carson was more interested in my water bottle than the 4th of July parade...we still had a great time though. :)

On another note...Carson started signing "more" this weekend! We are really excited! I think it's pretty incredible that babies are able to communicate through sign language before they can verbally communicate.

All in all, it was a great weekend! :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Baby Pool & Other Firsts

Yesterday, Carson swam/sat in his baby pool for the first time. He absolutely loved it! He especially loved to play with/chew on his bath toys, splash, and jump up and down in the water with mommy and daddy's help.

Also, since the day Carson turned 9 months, he started pulling himself up on furniture to a standing position. He also loves to imitate facial expressions, especially when someone says "oooohhhhh," clicks their tongue, and he can even whistle if someone whistles at him first. :) He also started clapping much fun!

We just love this little guy to pieces. :)